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The secret of stem cells

Every day your skin has to combat external factors such as dryness, physical stress and pollution, for instance. to counteract these harmful environmental effects your skin has to renew itself constantly. The task of stem cells is to ensure that this renewal of your skin is continuous. Stem cells are the basis of the body’s own regeneration. They are undefined cells that can differentiate themselves as various types of cells, if necessary. In this way, for example, a skin cell will develop from a stem cell tissue such as the skin, which regenerates itself quickly, is therefore very dependent on them.

Plants also contain stem cells. these are found on the tip of the shoot and on the root tips. The nymphaea alba stem cell extract mainly affects the dermis and its components. On the one hand, it increases the cells’ activity by stimulating the synthesis of collagenand proteoglycans. On the other hand, it reduces the amount of enzymes that bring about the degeneration of these fibres. As it is rich in epigenetic factors and metabolites, this extract also protects the body’s own stem cells against negative environmental effects, regenerates them, promotes their growth and prevents chronological skin ageing. In this way, the plant stem cells of the nymphaea alba can significantly prolong the life span of skin stem cells and preserve the youthfulness of your skin as well.

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